This part of our website is dedicated to sharing some of the tools we use here. Most of these have been garnered from others in the field, and redesigned for Fire. We encourage you to make them your own. If we save you some time and you have resources to donate, please do!
Methods & Theory of Practice"Poetic Strategies to Enhance Youth Voice" is a presentation that shows some of the theory behind our programs that draws from the Walker Foundation. We combine trusted cultural methods with cutting edge arts' civic engagement, to create a youth-driven development model.
Favorite Writing Workshops
Fairy Tale Workshop
Use old archetypes to speak about what feels dark or unreal. while building on nostalgia for Disney. Read the song lyrics & poems for the workshop here and then proceed to write your own fairytale. Consider which character you relate to, and why. |
The Power of Imagination
This workshop (outlined in full) focuses on re-writing or re-telling an "old story" for youth to imagine a new one (a la Augusto Boal). It has one poem and the prompt is simple: write an alternative ending. |
First Times Workshop
Often, writing starts with the "Where I'm From" prompt. This is a when I'm from prompt. The prompt is simple: write from one moment on your timeline or consider writing advice to your past self as you begin on your timeline. |